Gustavo Amaral

OAB/RJ: 72167
OAB/DF: 24513
OAB/GO: 26353-A
OAB/PR: 41874
OAB/RS: 69414-A
OAB/RO: 3688
OAB/SP: 291374
OAB/TO: 6423-A


UERJ – Rio de Janeiro State University

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
Postgraduate Specialization:

University of Münster and Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) – Economic Integration and International Tax Law, graduated with honors (cooperation ESAF/European Union)


UERJ – Rio de Janeiro State University


Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Law School, focus Public Law

Positions Held:

Member of the Special Committee for Federal Justice and Special Committee for Tax Matters of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro State Chapter (OAB/RJ), 2013-2015

Practice Areas:

Tax Law

  • Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law
  • Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law

Direito, Escassez e Escolha [“Law, Scarcity and Choice”]
Editora Lumen Juris, 2009

Co-author of the book Tributação nas Telecomunicações [“Taxation of Telecommunications”], coordinated by Antônio Reinaldo Rabelo Filho e Daniela Silveira Lara
Editora MP, 2008

Co-author of the book Direito Tributário e Políticas Públicas [“Tax Law and Public Policies”],
Editora MP, 2008

Co-author of the book Direitos Fundamentais, Orçamento e “Reserva do Possível” [“Fundamental Rights, Budget and ‘Reservation of the Possible’”], organized by Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet and Luciano Benetti Timm
Editora Livraria do Advogado, 2008

Co-author of the book Tributação no Setor de Petróleo [“Taxation of the Petroleum Sector”], coordinated by Heleno Taveira Tôrres and Marcos Catão
Editora Quartier Latin, 2005

Co-author of the book “Las cooperativas y los impuestos en el Mercosur” [“Cooperatives and Taxes in Mercosur”], organized by Dante Cracogna
Buenos Aires, 2004

Direito, Escassez e Escolha [“Law, Scarcity and Choice”]
Editora Renovar, 1st ed., 2001

Co-author of the books Teoria dos Direitos Fundamentais [“Theory of Fundamental Rights”], organized by Ricardo Lobo Torres (Ed. Renovar, 1999) and Estudos em Homenagem ao Advogado Público André Franco Montoro [“Studies in Homage to the Public Advocate André Franco Montoro”], organized by Guilherme José Purvim de Figueiredo
Ed. Esplanada ADCOAS, 2000